Nicolas Fränkel at JDK IO 2017 | Kotlin, DSL, @nicolas_frankel

JDK IO 2014 - Java EE 7 What's new in the Java EE platform - David Delabassee

JDK IO 2016 - Monica Beckwith & Stephen Colebourne - Java 9 news

Ted Neward JDK IO | Developer's Guide to Building Languages


Søren Berg Glasius JDK IO 2017 | Groovy, Grails, OCI

JDK IO 2016 - Jeppe Cramon - The 'Why', 'What' & 'How' of Microservices

Rudy De Busscher at JDK IO 2017 | Java EE8 @rdebusscher

JDK IO 2018 - Oleg Šelajev - Run code in any language anywhere with GraalVM

Antoine Sabot Durand JDK IO 2017 | CDI 2.0

Ryan Cuprak JDK IO 2017 | Java 9 modules

JDK IO 2018 - Dmitry Vinnik - Back to the CompletableFuture: Concurrency in Action

Stéphane Nicoll JDK IO 2017 | Spring Boot

Maurice Naftalin at JDK IO 2017 | Java Collections Framework

JDK IO 2016 - Oliver Gierke - What's new in Spring Data?

JDK IO 2014 - Java Concurrency and Non blocking IO - Dr Heinz M. Kabutz

Gunnar Morling JDK IO 2017 | Bean Validation, Microservices, Java

JDK IO 2018 - Vlad Mihalcea - High-Performance Hibernate

JDK IO 2014 - Java Concurrency and Non blocking IO - Dr Heinz M. Kabutz

Java: The JVM, JRE, and JDK - Explained Analogy-Style!

JDK IO 2018 - Jakob Jenkov - The Grid - Internet 3.0+

JDK IO 2017 - Interview with Ryan Cuprak

JDK IO 2018 - Gilles Di Guglielmo & Alexandre DuBreuil - DSL.using Java

JDK IO 2018 - Jonathan Giles - The art of building Java APIs: Do's and Don'ts